Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Simple Breakfast for Company

Take a look these leaves from my rhubarb!
It is so hot today that my daughter and I are like wet rags.
She helped me cut the stalks of the rhubarb and also cut the chunks. I am going to make two crumbles so that I can freeze one when my son, daughter-in-law and grandson come to visit this week. The second one I am taking to a church cook out tomorrow. Ooo, two birds with one stone!

The men that attended the men's bible study taught by my husband ate all of the blueberry crumble and almost all of the muffins.

For the muffins, instead of making a drizzle for the tops, I took cream cheese, added a bit of confectioners sugar to it, frozen raspberries and some milk and made a spread for the muffins.

So today's breakfast for the men:

Orange juice
Iced Water/orange slices
Blueberry Crumble Cake
French Vanilla muffins
Raspberry spread
Sliced pineapple

See, it is a simple breakfast but yummy! Don't overdo it in this hot weather if you want to have people over for a visit. You can still be hospitable and yet enjoy your company!

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