Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Apple harvesting, canning apples

Wow, my apple trees dropped so many apples and that is good because we have never gotten time to prune, so the trees are huge; so tall that you could never climb.
I have made sauce, sold a bag, and now apple butter in the crock pot.
I have an inexpensive dehydrator, so I am going to try to dry them. 

I agree, they aren't beautiful, but they are saving me a lot of money and so convenient to go right into my yard and pick.

Baking Blueberry Muffins

 Baking Blueberry Muffins is my way of using up my store bought blueberries.  I always plan to use them in my cereal in the morn, or in pancakes and I forget, and they spoil so today, a cool autumn day in New England.

The recipe called for milk, which I only had skim and half and half in the fridge, so I mixed them, and as you can see, it had no affect at all in changing the way they rose.

I used to make the Jordan Marsh blueberry muffin recipe, but this time, there are so many recipes online I decided to try something different.  This recipe has the crumb topping which I didn't use all because it seemed like they had enough on top before putting into the oven.  I wish I had used it all now because I saw areas where the crumbs are not.  Still good though!