Friday, May 13, 2011


Yesterday and today, I had the pleasure of exchanging plants with two ladies: Ann and Gail. I never met these women before, but met up with them on Freecycle and they had plants to offer and I have a few to share with them. I have wisteria vine and cactus.

Gail invited me to come over with my shovel and bucket and get chinese dollars and a yellow perennial with an unknown name. She blessed me with so many plants of all sorts. After visiting with Gail, digging and selecting what I could use for my yard, (Gail had many that I do not have) I went to Home Depot to exchange a fruit tree and then made my way home to mix hummus, potting soil and the sand from my yard to plant the cherry tree. I wanted peach, but neither local Home Depot had them. I would love to have a peach, plum, pear, cherry and walnut tree. Well, you can only afford one at a time. The cherry tree is an exchange for a peach tree that I bought last fall and didn't get into the ground.

When I got home, I cut some jeans into shorts (don't have my spring clothing out yet), got my Starbucks Cup with ice and water (from my son and daughter-in-law for Mother's Day) and off to work I went. I only got about four varieties of plants in the ground and watered from Gail.

Extremely sore tonight, after planting what Ann brought me yesterday and the tree and the plants from Gail, along with weeding my 1/2 acre garden, phew and then went off to bible study. My hubby made a quick supper so that I could shower and be ready, and I was just ready, not a minute late nor a minute early.

Good night.

PS just a few pictures of my yard and it's barren spots and dry soil.

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