Friday, May 22, 2009

Having an Artist Date

Today was my planned artist date: IDEA from the "The Artist Way". A book I had read about from many art sites, I decided to look up and read. The book and I have different ideologies but I figure why not learn from it what I can.

Take a day out of the week, just a couple of hours, and go off by yourself and do something creative. I actually enjoyed thinking about ideas. One idea in the book was to go to the dollar store and buy five dollars worth of fun little stuff and use it.

I had different ideas that I logged down on my computer. I thought that one day I could go to the art store and purchase 2-3 sheets of scrap booking paper and come home and integrate it into a new collage. Another idea I had was going and buying an unusual color of lipstick, a different color that I usually don't wear, buy it and wear it all day. The dollar store and CVS has inexpensive lipsticks. Plein Air is something I want to get more comfortable with and I thought I should pack a back with plenty of water for my watercolors and go paint somewhere where there is no one looking over my shoulder and I can have a quiet time.

Think of some ideas and write to me. It would be fun to share them.

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