My hubby and I went to the beach yesterday. Have no fear, freezing temps don't keep us away and neither did the swans.
Two swans came right up to me because I was feeding them left over Panera bagels. Then came the savage seagulls and the quiet little ducks.
The photos I got of the swans are awesome. Maybe only 2 prize winning ones after 100 taken and my husband asking me if I was going to take anymore. You see, I think the wind was whipping at least about 35 miles per hour and a windchill affect of the 20's. The car door was open of course to protect me in case if the swan came up to grab my nose:) kidding of course, but I wasn't sure what they would do, and I was having a blast taking their pictures and wondering what they would look like (the pictures) once I got in the van and pulled away. Many were blurry and quick taken because the swans were moving up to me and going for the bagel pieces, but I enjoyed myself immensely.
Went to another location at Seabrook and got some shots of the ocean waves. It was freezing and I am going through menopause, so you can imagine how cold it actually was.
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