Those little old postcards of holidays and children playing or a man and woman walking together with umbrellas, cards from the early 1900's; these little jewels are my collection. Inexpensive to collect ranging from $1.00 to $4.00 is well worth the joy they bring. A bit whimsical, with some having sayings on them or the name of the holiday, these cards decorate an antique window shutter in my kitchen and are collected safely in an antique pocketbook. I visit these cards as though they are the Mona Lisa in the Boston Museum of Fine Art. They are now free to look at on a daily basis and can be copied or implemented as originals into my art work. I am quite afraid of doing that though. So from now on, I am going to make a colored copy of the piece and plan a rough sketch with paints and papers or even drawn out with colored pencils. Then, if I feel it is a workable piece and I am inspired enough, I will apply it to a canvas and paint and collage away.
Toady's new piece is two lovely girls standing next to each other with a bit of sparkle added to a rope they are holding onto as they stand in water. this precious piece was found in a box in a store in Newburyport Massachusetts. Right before getting in to the van with my husband and kids, I found a little store, sort of an antique shop, everything greatly priced; from furniture to glassware, old books (I loved one that I just could not buy today. It was a psalter from the mid 1800's. Songs written by Watts were in the book without the music. Unbelievable poetry that was sung in church years ago played by an organist. But I at least walked out with the cute little picture of those girls.
Did you know that it was not uncommon for church/worship music to be sung accapela, without musical accompanient among many religious groups following the reformation. It is based on the understanding that the NT which is the new covenant with God was to not include instruments because the references to singing in the NT only referred to the human voice and heart. Ephesians 5:19