Can you even believe it? This is what my art room looks like? How could I? I grew up OCD and so was my mom. I didn't like being OCD and prayed that I would not be any more. Did I have to go the opposite direction? Oh well. Enjoying myself more in my life and learning to let go. My mom died five months ago, and again, having health problems...my husband too...and my daughter too. My laundry looks the same. So, every day, I set up a schedule, see if anything will interrupt it and go from there. I finished my art room, and only have five more loads of laundry. After my mom died, my husband and I travelled to see his mom and mother in law from his first wife, then we had to get caught up here with so many errands and then we took one week for vacation. So things added up. Now, after a week on my back from pulling my back out (last year the same thing happened mmm) I am up and vacuuming, cleaning frig, drawers in kitchen, and laundry. My art room will always be there, but people can see it right when they come in the house, oh well!
How did I house clean this room. I brought everything in the middle, heaps and all:)
I went through each box slowly, had another empty box to the side, what I did not want or need, I put in the empty box. I made an area in the room for sewing, an area for beads, I made a couple of baskets for office supplies, and for a week I bit off a bit that I COULD CHEW and did it. Much of it got done in two days, and piddly little stuff I did later. Under my desk that is in front of the white chair, I had a huge basket under there filled with every sort of goody from papers to small art pieces, acrylic paints, plastic easter eggs, new supplies that I bought at Hobby Lobby by Claudine Hellmuth and I put the paints in the paint box, put the easter eggs in my three dimensional box, small art pieces went on the window sills so I could see them, Claudine Hellmuth paints on my desk to try out, papers went into a huge box because I love collecting all sorts of papers and cutouts for collage.
I will post up-dated pictures of how everything looks.