The Layout of my blog has many more pictures on the right side, so please be patient, scroll away, and look at older posts. This is the way this layout works.
Thank you
Come visit me daily for awe-inspiring fabulicious art, decorating, baking/cooking, gardening, and Junkulicious ideas.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
My BLOG-Eye Candy
Please check out the rest of my blog.
Lot's of yummy eye candy for you to enjoy.
Let me know what you like seeing and write to me.
I would love to reply back.
Lot's of yummy eye candy for you to enjoy.
Let me know what you like seeing and write to me.
I would love to reply back.
Old Window
I have done many things with old windows, need some new ideas.
1. Picture frame
2. Quilts in the openings
3. Hanging from the ceiling for pots and pans
4. Hanging from the ceiling and having grape vines draped around it
5. Vintage photos
6. Hanging in my garden on the fence
7. Add legs, put a piece of glass or plexi on top and have a short small end table
8. Hange from a door way to separate rooms
9. Add glass, paint stained glass pictures and hang in a window for the light
to shine through.
10, Paint it a different color.
ANY IDEAS???????????????????????????/
Cotton Candy Surprise
cotton candy in a champagne/wine glass and fancy curling ribbon tied around the glass is what I presented to my daughter when she came in the house for her surprise birthday party. Let your creativity flow outside of your art room. I can't seem to get into my art studio often, because I have a family and am involved with the church ministry, but I can be creative in all the areas of my life.
Look at the pretty colors and make a collage with them.
Paula Deene's Lime Coconut Cake
Myt daughter's 16th BDay party, and I spotted this delicious looking cake somewhere; in a magazine or online, can't remember, but knew I wanted to make it for my daughter, so when I couldn't remember "Oh no, I can't remember where the recipe is, I googled and voila, the recipe. Yippee. This is another way I like to do my art: baking, gardening, decorating and outfitting myself in fun colors, textures and styles
Women's Journal
Journal Pages-What do you think?
Older Photos-for Contests
I have had very odd circumstances with my photography.
One show, I entered my work. As I entered the building of the show,
a woman walked up to me, a woman I had never met, and asked me if I
was Crystal. "Yes" I replied. "Did you want to sell your work? There are no
prices on the back of the photos."
"Why yes" I said. The brochures that were passed out to people,
as they walked through the art show, would see my prices match up
with my work. She stated to me "There are no prices on the back of
your work." I said "I put the prices on the back of each piece."
Low and behold, we walked around the building to each piece, and
the prices were on the back just like I had said and did. Some one
made a big mistake, did not check my work:) and did not put the
information into the brochure.
People had already asked about one specific piece, and of course
it did not sale because it was not posted in the brochure.
If I told you the other stories, you would not believe it.
One show, I entered my work. As I entered the building of the show,
a woman walked up to me, a woman I had never met, and asked me if I
was Crystal. "Yes" I replied. "Did you want to sell your work? There are no
prices on the back of the photos."
"Why yes" I said. The brochures that were passed out to people,
as they walked through the art show, would see my prices match up
with my work. She stated to me "There are no prices on the back of
your work." I said "I put the prices on the back of each piece."
Low and behold, we walked around the building to each piece, and
the prices were on the back just like I had said and did. Some one
made a big mistake, did not check my work:) and did not put the
information into the brochure.
People had already asked about one specific piece, and of course
it did not sale because it was not posted in the brochure.
If I told you the other stories, you would not believe it.
Older Photos-for Contests
I have had very odd circumstances with my photography.
One show, I entered my work. As I entered the building of the show,
a woman walked up to me, a woman I had never met, and asked me if I
was Crystal. "Yes" I replied. "Did you want to sell your work? There are no
prices on the back of the photos."
"Why yes" I said. The brochures that were passed out to people,
as they walked through the art show, would see my prices match up
with my work. She stated to me "There are no prices on the back of
your work." I said "I put the prices on the back of each piece."
Low and behold, we walked around the building to each piece, and
the prices were on the back just like I had said and did. Some one
made a big mistake, did not check my work:) and did not put the
information into the brochure.
People had already asked about one specific piece, and of course
it did not sale because it was not posted in the brochure.
If I told you the other stories, you would not believe it.
One show, I entered my work. As I entered the building of the show,
a woman walked up to me, a woman I had never met, and asked me if I
was Crystal. "Yes" I replied. "Did you want to sell your work? There are no
prices on the back of the photos."
"Why yes" I said. The brochures that were passed out to people,
as they walked through the art show, would see my prices match up
with my work. She stated to me "There are no prices on the back of
your work." I said "I put the prices on the back of each piece."
Low and behold, we walked around the building to each piece, and
the prices were on the back just like I had said and did. Some one
made a big mistake, did not check my work:) and did not put the
information into the brochure.
People had already asked about one specific piece, and of course
it did not sale because it was not posted in the brochure.
If I told you the other stories, you would not believe it.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Fog between Seabrook and Hampton Beach
The weather was just awesome today, cool in Portsmouth New Hampshire and the beach at Hampton and Seabrook and muggy hot in Methuen. I love the beach when it is foggy and it was foggy today. Just had to stop and get some pictures. My husband is so patient with me. He just pulls over and reads while I am outside shooting pictures
Seabrook and PINK BOAT
Donald Trump and Portsmouth NH
Can you believe it? Donald Trump in New Hanpshire. It just so happens that my husband and I were in Portsmouth NH today and there were newsreporters from NBC interviewing people on the sidewalk as we walked by but we did not hear the questions. Then as we were finding a parking spot, we went by a Fidelity bank and there were reporters and people everywhere. My hubbie and I stopped at a restaurant across the street from Star Bucks. My hubbie asked the waitress what was going on in town and she told us Donald Trump was in the area. After we ate our delicious hamburger, we separated; hubbie went to Star Bucks and I went touring the stores and shops. I was in a book store (surprise to all who know me) and I heard a bunch of commotion. I did not want to go running out the door, but I could hear "Trump" and then saw a news reporter running backwards with his heavy camera and people all gathered walking briskly down the sidewalk in front of the book store, as I tried to scan the people walking by, I saw the very end of Trump's head. Shortly after, I met my hubbie at Starbuck's. He told me he ran out of Starbucks and was four feet away from Donald. We had an exciting day.
Royal Wedding Duncan Donuts
My husband and I have had no vacation this year so far, between ministry, presbytery meetings, bible studies, counseling and family, we have not done much so we took off to go to Portsmouth NH today.
Coffee! Yes, Duncan Donuts for sure. The Royal Wedding is even sponsored by Duncan's and I had their donut; jelly filled with a white frosting and chocolate drizzle. Yum.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
To the many of you who come to my blog, I just want to say "Happy Easter" or "Happy Resurrection Day". Take a moment to think about the Lord Jesus Christ, his birth, his death and his resurrection. He died for your sins and mine and I am so every greatful.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
TUTORIAL: Stenciling Dish Towels
I picked up these flour sack towels and stenciled them.
1. Lay your towel out on a flat surface; make sure you have a paper towel underneath the flour sack.
2. I used black ink, but you could use any color.
3. I used a stencil brush.
4. Keep brushing your stencil brush over the ink till yur brush has enough ink on the bristles.
5. Lay your stencil on top of the towel, on the center fold of the towel.
(Most towels will already be prefolded so find the middle of the towel.
6. For my 123 towel, I put the stencil opening with the two directly on the center line of the towel. Dab or rub your brush all on the opening of the number two till it is filled with black ink.
7. Now for the number one, move to the left of the two, eye the space between the numbers, lay the stencil down again and redab your brush on the ink and apply to the towel the same way.
8. Number 3 is to the right of the two and repeat as with number 1 and 2.
9. "BE CAREFUL" to not rub onto any other opening of other numbers or you will get black spots as I got. You may want that look anyway. Many sacks that were made out of burlap and linen have smudge marks or numbers or letters blurry.
10. Now iron the piece with a paper towel over the numbers. This makes the numbers more permanent into the fabric so it will not wash out.
I then did one with the word "Paris" on it. I love white towels and writing or symbols on the fabric. It adds a little interest in your kitchen.
I have been giving my hand at different hand-made flowers. No it was not my idea except tissue paper flowers that I did when I was in 2nd grade and my teacher taught me how to make those too. So, I guess I just have to learn from others and then try out my own touch and ideas. I placed two small ones near some antique items in my art room
Photographing Your Journal Pages
Sometimes I find journal pages hard to photograph depending on the type of mediums you use on your pages. I do use a matte medium when applying papers and ephemera, but it still has somewhat of a sheen along with inks, so it shines and I need to get the page just right in the light of the room or window. I keep playing though. Sometimes I even need to use the flash on my camera even though the room seems to be lit enough so it won't glare in the picture.
I love looking at the pictures on the computer which shows me and teaches me what could be changed in my art work. I feel I can see it better through the eye of the camera sometimes more than when I am working on it in the art studio.
Another way to check your work is to put it in front of a mirror.
Or if you have children or friends, ask them.
I think it will surprise you what the differences are from person to person.
I like the spread with the aqua blue and sparkles and my 18 year old son loved the old antique grunge spread.
I love looking at the pictures on the computer which shows me and teaches me what could be changed in my art work. I feel I can see it better through the eye of the camera sometimes more than when I am working on it in the art studio.
Another way to check your work is to put it in front of a mirror.
Or if you have children or friends, ask them.
I think it will surprise you what the differences are from person to person.
I like the spread with the aqua blue and sparkles and my 18 year old son loved the old antique grunge spread.
Journal Spread
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Sun and Shadows
Isn't the sun magnificent. That is what I thought when I watched it rise when I was on a 6:45 am plane ride home last week. I couldn't get over it. When I was looking out the window of the plane, you could not even tell what the sun was coming up from. I knew I was really high up, and was looking at it rising, but it was confusing.
Today, I thought the shadows were incredible and wanted to grab some pictures around the house and explain, if you do not know, how you draw shadows in your art work. This is the best time of any. The sun, when hitting an object, creates a shadow on the opposite side of the object, and the side the sun hits, is the brightest. This may seem silly to read, and you may be thinking "I know that", but many a times, artists (newer to the arts) get confused where to put the shadow.
So, if the sun is hitting the right side of the object like in the photo below of the bushes, the shadow is on the left. The shovel had the sun hitting the left side of it, so the shadow came out to the right of it on the house. Take note of how large the shadow is and the shape of the shadow also. Is the shadow one black color, one grey color, or many shades of grade and in between?
Father, Dad, Daddy
My dad is the one that got me into this junk collecting I can tell. My mom wouldn't be caught dead with half of the decorations I have in my home. They both grew up in the depression, but my mom concluded that she wanted new if anything, and she did not over decorate. What ever she had as a decoration was in the same spot and the same item for all my life. She had a balance scale with rubber grapes and apples on it on top of the tv for years. On the end table, there was a cigarette lighter and music box combined that was copper and the top of the lighter was in the shape of a man's head, an ugly man actually with a mole on his face. She had a red rose in a water globe too! I don't remember anything on the coffee table. And I do remember that she decorated symmetrical on the main wall in the living room with paneling on the walls and an oil painting above the plaid wool couch.
My living room is part yellow and mint green. My tv entertainment center is French country; I have three wicker chairs with throw pillows, an L shaped couch, a huge comfy chair, white lamps, white framed pictures and clock, a white painted fireplace with silver candle sticks, and glass jars filled with clothes pins, feathers, and beach wood from the ocean I go to in Seabrook. Nothing is symmetrical!
My living room is part yellow and mint green. My tv entertainment center is French country; I have three wicker chairs with throw pillows, an L shaped couch, a huge comfy chair, white lamps, white framed pictures and clock, a white painted fireplace with silver candle sticks, and glass jars filled with clothes pins, feathers, and beach wood from the ocean I go to in Seabrook. Nothing is symmetrical!
French Shabby Chic
I think I have finally come to loving French Shabby Chic the best decorating style of the century.
I have gone from folk art, garden style and shabby chic. I have looked at Swedish shabby chic, French shabby chic, Italian shabby chic...are there anymore? I love them all. Many of them have an added bit of color along with the white.
Everytime I look at sites like Chez Fifi, I fall in love with the all white. It is hard though with my family of two sons and husband and teen daughter, to keep the white clean. I still love it though and am trying all sorts of ideas to get the look into my home. I have a long way to go and will have to do it slowly because of finances.
I have gone from folk art, garden style and shabby chic. I have looked at Swedish shabby chic, French shabby chic, Italian shabby chic...are there anymore? I love them all. Many of them have an added bit of color along with the white.
Everytime I look at sites like Chez Fifi, I fall in love with the all white. It is hard though with my family of two sons and husband and teen daughter, to keep the white clean. I still love it though and am trying all sorts of ideas to get the look into my home. I have a long way to go and will have to do it slowly because of finances.
French Basket
I found this basket at a second hand shop at the beach this winter. Aaagh! I thought and probably said outloud. I grabbed it because I knew there were more than one way I could decorate it and many ways to use it in my home.
So, here are a few photos of various antique pictures on it, a coffee filter flower, burlap, twine...hung it on my cabinet, hung it on my wall, thought I may even hang it on the front door. I absolutely love metal, burlap and twine combined with a bit of color.
So, here are a few photos of various antique pictures on it, a coffee filter flower, burlap, twine...hung it on my cabinet, hung it on my wall, thought I may even hang it on the front door. I absolutely love metal, burlap and twine combined with a bit of color.
French Basket
I found this basket at a second hand shop at the beach this winter. Aaagh! I thought and probably said outloud. I grabbed it because I knew there were more than one way I could decorate it and many ways to use it in my home.
So, here are a few photos of various antique pictures on it, a coffee filter flower, burlap, twine...hung it on my cabinet, hung it on my wall, thought I may even hang it on the front door. I absolutely love metal, burlap and twine combined with a bit of color.

So, here are a few photos of various antique pictures on it, a coffee filter flower, burlap, twine...hung it on my cabinet, hung it on my wall, thought I may even hang it on the front door. I absolutely love metal, burlap and twine combined with a bit of color.
Being Creative Everyday-Air
I love being creative, and trying to be creative everyday in a journal or on canvas.
Today, I worked on a new journal called "Women's Journal" and made banana chocolate chip muffins along with english muffin pizza's for supper and kahlua coffee with hazelnut cream for desert.
In being creative, I try to keep up with many of you artists and watch your videos, study your blogs and see what you are up to. Creative Everyday has a blog that everymonth, she posts a word that you can work off of. This example below is from the word "Air"
Today, I worked on a new journal called "Women's Journal" and made banana chocolate chip muffins along with english muffin pizza's for supper and kahlua coffee with hazelnut cream for desert.
In being creative, I try to keep up with many of you artists and watch your videos, study your blogs and see what you are up to. Creative Everyday has a blog that everymonth, she posts a word that you can work off of. This example below is from the word "Air"
Journaling and Collaging
My favorite thing to do is to journal and collage in a combined method.
I decided to do a journal called "Women's Journal" and have it just be women photos, and portraits of women combined with every technique you can think of that can make a fabulous and many layered collage.
In the following examples, you will see that I used antique music, antique french papers, rub-ons, stickers, antique photo, gesso, snow white acrylic, antique white acrylic, black marker, water soluble pastels, and velvet paper.
the water soluble pastels were melted with a quilting iron. But learn this, if you melt your water soluble pastels onto your paper, they will not be water soluble anymore. You can drag the quilting iron over and over the pastels to spread them and add another color on top and spread that color.
I used a yellow ochre, a grape purple color, blue and white.
I also rubbed the water soluble pastels on other spots of the paper so that when I applied water, it smudged just nicely.
I watched a video by "Zin". it was not a teaching video, but just a video to watch her at work. I took notes as though I was taking a class. I tried to figure out various techniques and then go to my art room to work on my own with my own supplies. I added a couple extra ideas into mine. I really like Christina Zinnia Galliher.
I decided to do a journal called "Women's Journal" and have it just be women photos, and portraits of women combined with every technique you can think of that can make a fabulous and many layered collage.
In the following examples, you will see that I used antique music, antique french papers, rub-ons, stickers, antique photo, gesso, snow white acrylic, antique white acrylic, black marker, water soluble pastels, and velvet paper.
the water soluble pastels were melted with a quilting iron. But learn this, if you melt your water soluble pastels onto your paper, they will not be water soluble anymore. You can drag the quilting iron over and over the pastels to spread them and add another color on top and spread that color.
I used a yellow ochre, a grape purple color, blue and white.
I also rubbed the water soluble pastels on other spots of the paper so that when I applied water, it smudged just nicely.
I watched a video by "Zin". it was not a teaching video, but just a video to watch her at work. I took notes as though I was taking a class. I tried to figure out various techniques and then go to my art room to work on my own with my own supplies. I added a couple extra ideas into mine. I really like Christina Zinnia Galliher.
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